No Code Blog | Innoveo Mon, 04 Dec 2023 19:13:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Accelerating Claims Management: The No Code Advantage Mon, 04 Dec 2023 14:48:13 +0000 The traditional claims settlement often involves complex processes and time-consuming manual tasks, leading to bottlenecks and inflated operational costs. In the dynamic and fast-paced landscape of the insurance industry, where efficiency is the key and customer satisfaction reigns supreme, a groundbreaking revolution is transforming the landscape of claims for insurers: No-Code/Low-Code Application Development, a gamechanger that […]

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The traditional claims settlement often involves complex processes and time-consuming manual tasks, leading to bottlenecks and inflated operational costs. In the dynamic and fast-paced landscape of the insurance industry, where efficiency is the key and customer satisfaction reigns supreme, a groundbreaking revolution is transforming the landscape of claims for insurers: No-Code/Low-Code Application Development, a gamechanger that is reshaping the narrative by dismantling sluggish, outdated processes and offering an unparalleled advantage in expediting claims management.

No-code platforms empower business users, such as claims adjusters and managers, to create and modify applications without writing a single line of code. This democratization of technology enables insurance professionals to streamline their workflows, reduce dependency on IT teams, and respond swiftly to changing market demands. Envision a claims management system where speed meets adaptability, providing a smooth experience for both insurance providers and policyholders.

Here are a few ways how this breakthrough in enterprise application development is transforming claims processing:

   Rapid Deployment with Tangible Results:

The transformative impact of no-code platforms on claims management extends beyond mere efficiency; it has propelled the industry into a new era of unprecedented speed in development and deployment. Gartner estimates that by 2025, 70% of new applications developed by enterprises will use no-code or low-code technologies (up from less than 25% in 2020). This accelerated pace becomes particularly critical during unforeseen events such as natural disasters or global pandemics, where the ability to swiftly adapt and respond to surges in claims volume is not just advantageous but can be a decisive factor in maintaining operational resilience and ensuring customer satisfaction.

–   Flexibility and Adaptability:

The dynamism of the insurance industry demands a heightened level of agility from insurers, necessitating rapid responses to an ever-shifting landscape of regulatory changes, policy updates, and evolving customer expectations. In this dynamic environment, no-code solutions emerge as indispensable tools, empowering claims teams to swiftly adapt. These platforms enable quick and seamless modifications to workflows and processes, ensuring that claims professionals can adapt to the industry’s constant evolution with ease. This flexibility not only meets the immediate demands of the industry but positions organizations to proactively anticipate and address future challenges.

   Enhanced Collaboration and Efficiency:

Effective collaboration between business and IT teams is not just beneficial; it’s crucial for the success of claims management in the digital era. No-code platforms play a pivotal role in fostering this collaboration, creating a bridge that significantly reduces development costs (by as much as 40%). This reduction in costs is not just about financial savings; it signifies a shift towards a more agile and adaptive claims processing environment. By bringing the expertise of claims professionals who understand the intricacies of the industry together with the technical acumen of IT experts, no-code platforms pave the way for a more intuitive, user-friendly, and efficient claims processing system.

   Reduced Costs with Tangible Savings:

The cost-effectiveness of no-code platforms is not just theoretical; it’s tangible. Organizations adopting no-code/low-code solutions can not only reduce development costs but could also witness a decrease in ongoing maintenance expenses. This cost efficiency allows insurance companies to allocate resources more efficiently and invest in areas crucial to business growth.

In conclusion, the no-code technology is a game-changer for accelerating claims management. Embracing modern solutions ensures costs reduction, agility to adapt to market requirements, and faster time to market, all while providing a seamless customer experience.

Elevate Your Claims Management with Innoveo’s Digital Claims Solution:

Innoveo offers a robust claims management solution built on our flagship no-code platform Innoveo Skye® and tailored to the unique needs of insurance carriers. From the initial First-Notice-of-Loss (FNOL) to streamlined data collection and efficient resolution, our solution is designed to elevate every step of the claims process. By harnessing advanced straight-through-processing and automation, it can significantly expedite claims processing, ensuring a swift experience.

Connect with one of our experts and take the first step toward optimizing your claims processes. Book your demo now!

In the meantime, feel free to check out our whitepaper to learn more about no-code development platforms and why are businesses adopting them?

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From Paper to Digital: Transforming the Claims Experience for Customers and Carriers Wed, 13 Sep 2023 20:22:37 +0000 In the ever-evolving landscape of the insurance industry, the winds of change are blowing stronger than ever before. One significant transformation that has gained considerable momentum in recent years is the shift from traditional paper to digital claims processing. This shift is not just a matter of convenience; it’s a game-changer that promises efficiency, accuracy, […]

The post From Paper to Digital: Transforming the Claims Experience for Customers and Carriers appeared first on Innoveo.

Digital Claims

In the ever-evolving landscape of the insurance industry, the winds of change are blowing stronger than ever before. One significant transformation that has gained considerable momentum in recent years is the shift from traditional paper to digital claims processing. This shift is not just a matter of convenience; it’s a game-changer that promises efficiency, accuracy, and enhanced customer experience. In this article, we’ll explore how digital claims is reshaping the insurance claims processing landscape and why insurance carriers should take note.

  • Streamlining the Claims Workflow:

Traditionally, insurance claims involved an abundance of paperwork, often leading to bottlenecks, delays, and potential errors. Digital claims processing is revolutionizing this aspect by streamlining the entire claims workflow. Instead of sifting through piles of documents, insurance carriers can now access, review, and process claims with just a few clicks.

This newfound efficiency doesn’t just save time; it also reduces the risk of manual errors and fraud detection. Insurance carriers can use advanced data analytics and machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies and flag suspicious claims, ensuring that only valid claims are paid out.

  • Enhancing Customer Experiences:

Today’s policyholders expect swift and hassle-free claim settlements. Digital claims processing can significantly enhance customer experience by providing real-time updates on claim status and simplifying the submission process. Mobile apps and online portals empower policyholders to submit claims, upload supporting documents, and track progress effortlessly.

Moreover, the use of digital tools like chatbots and virtual assistants can offer immediate support to customers during the claims process, addressing their concerns and questions promptly. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also boosts retention rates, a vital metric for insurance carriers.

  • Reducing Costs:

Digital claims processing isn’t just about improving efficiency; it also helps insurance carriers cut costs. Going paperless reduces expenses related to printing, storing, and transporting physical documents. Additionally, automating routine tasks, such as data entry and document verification, allows insurers to allocate their human resources more strategically, focusing on complex claims that require human judgment.

  • Data-Driven Insights:

One of the most compelling aspects of digital claims processing is the wealth of data it generates. Insurance carriers can leverage this data to gain valuable insights into claims patterns, customer behavior, and risk assessment. By analyzing historical claims data, carriers can identify trends, assess risk accurately, and even predict potential claims, allowing for more informed underwriting decisions and premium adjustments.

  • Compliance and Security:

The insurance industry operates in a highly regulated environment, and compliance with data protection laws is paramount. Digital claims processing solutions provide robust security measures to safeguard sensitive customer data. With features like encryption, access controls, and audit trails, insurers can maintain compliance while ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.

The Road Ahead

As technology continues to advance, insurance carriers must embrace the digital transformation of claims processing. By doing so, they can stay competitive, improve operational efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and reduce costs. The benefits are undeniable, and the demand for digital claims processing is only expected to grow.

This shift should not be seen as just a technological upgrade; it’s a strategic move that can redefine how insurance carriers operate and serve their customers. Embracing digital claims processing is not only about staying relevant but also about future-proofing your business in an increasingly digital world.

Innoveo’s Digital Claims Solution

We, at Innoveo, believe you can build modern applications that deliver digital experiences and drive business growth without having to write any custom code. It’s our mission to empower enterprises in complex and regulated industries to re-imagine application development by enabling them to be connected, innovative, quick, and nimble.

Innoveo’s digital claims solution enables insurance carriers to seamlessly digitize their claims workflows, from FNOL (first-notice-of-loss) and data collection through resolution. Leveraging advanced straight-through-processing and automation, our solution accelerates the entire claims process. Click here to get in touch with one of our experts: Schedule a Demo

The post From Paper to Digital: Transforming the Claims Experience for Customers and Carriers appeared first on Innoveo.

The Benefits and Challenges of Embedded Insurance Mon, 26 Jun 2023 13:48:41 +0000     Embedded insurance has been gaining popularity over the years as it provides a convenient and efficient way of purchasing insurance coverage for consumers. In this white paper, we will explore the concept of embedded insurance, its benefits, and the challenges it poses for insurance companies. What is Embedded? Embedded insurance refers to the […]

The post The Benefits and Challenges of Embedded Insurance appeared first on Innoveo.


Whitepaper Innoveo Embedded Insurance - Blog Post


Embedded insurance has been gaining popularity over the years as it provides a convenient and efficient way of purchasing insurance coverage for consumers. In this white paper, we will explore the concept of embedded insurance, its benefits, and the challenges it poses for insurance companies.

What is Embedded?

Embedded insurance refers to the integration of insurance coverage into another product or service that is not primarily insurance-related. For instance, a car dealership might offer car insurance to customers buying a new car, or an airline might offer travel insurance when a customer is booking a flight.

Embedded insurance products can be sold through various channels such as e-commerce platforms, mobile apps, or in-store purchases. In this way, customers can purchase insurance coverage quickly and easily without having to navigate through complex insurance policies and processes.


Benefits, both for customers and insurance companies. For customers, it provides a simple and easy way of purchasing insurance coverage. It eliminates the need for customers to research and compare different insurance policies, saving them time and effort. Additionally, it can provide customers with more customized coverage options that better suit their needs.

For insurance companies, it can be a valuable source of new business. By partnering with other companies to offer embedded products, insurance companies can tap into new customer segments that they may not have reached otherwise. Furthermore, since it is integrated into another product or service, insurance companies can take advantage of existing distribution channels, reducing the need for costly marketing campaigns.


Despite its many benefits, it also poses several challenges for insurance companies. One of the biggest challenges is regulatory compliance. Since insurance products are highly regulated, insurance companies need to ensure that their embedded products comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Another challenge is ensuring that embedded products are priced correctly. Since insurance products are priced based on risk, insurance companies need to accurately assess the risks associated with each product or service they are embedding coverage into.

Finally, insurance companies need to carefully select their partners for embedded insurance products. Since the quality of the partner’s product or service reflects on the insurance company, it’s important to partner with reputable companies that offer high-quality products or services.

Embedded insurance is an innovative approach to offering insurance coverage that provides numerous benefits for both customers and insurance companies. By integrating insurance coverage into other products or services, customers can purchase insurance quickly and easily, and insurance companies can tap into new customer segments and distribution channels. However, insurance companies must carefully navigate the regulatory landscape, accurately price their products, and partner with reputable companies to ensure the success of their embedded products. Overall, it has great potential to revolutionize the insurance industry and provide new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Learn more in our no-code whitepaper: Why the Future of Insurance Distribution is Embedded

The post The Benefits and Challenges of Embedded Insurance appeared first on Innoveo.

Optimizing Commercial Lines Underwriting: How Technology Can Improve Efficiency and Accuracy Mon, 17 Apr 2023 14:00:27 +0000     The U.S. Excess and Surplus (E&S) market is booming. Direct premiums written during the first six months of 2022 increased by nearly 28 percent and they now constitute nearly 9 percent of the country’s total property and casualty industry, according to an analysis by S&P Global Market Intelligence. In this blog post on […]

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Optimizing Commercial Underwriting


The U.S. Excess and Surplus (E&S) market is booming. Direct premiums written during the first six months of 2022 increased by nearly 28 percent and they now constitute nearly 9 percent of the country’s total property and casualty industry, according to an analysis by S&P Global Market Intelligence. In this blog post on Optimizing Commercial Lines Underwriting, we’ll explore how insurers can benefit from new technology that will enable them to capitalize on this booming market opportunity.

Surplus line carriers tend to cover complex or high-risk businesses that are unable to find insurance within the traditional or admitted market. The regulatory model tends not to be as strict as the framework for admitted carriers, which affords E&S businesses greater flexibility in setting premium rates and terms for policies. Underwriters evaluate each application based on factors that include the type and age of the business, the company’s financials – sales, assets, profits – financial history, including previous bankruptcies and prior insurance claims, security and loss prevention practices and more. Failing to price risk well can have dramatic financial repercussions for insurers if the business experiences a catastrophic loss and there’s a large payout.

The use of advances in technology can help underwriters support E&S programs and give them confidence to underwrite these more complex risks. Underwriters need a 360-degree view of all relevant data to make informed decisions.  They also need to orchestrate multiple streams of siloed tasks across different stakeholders to finalize quotes more rapidly.

Applied artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, distributed data collection and automation can enable insurers to not only more accurately underwrite a wide variety of risks using real-time data from various sources and improve decision-making, but also helps underwriters become more efficient. Digital technologies can help get decisions and quotes to businesses faster, improving customer experience and boosting sale rates and can help carriers more easily comply with data-protection regulations.

Not all technologies are equal, however. Key features of an optimized E&S lines underwriting solution should include:

  • The ability to integrate with third-party data sources
  • Customizable risk assessment models
  • Automated decision-making and workflows
  • Real-time data analysis and reporting
  • User-friendly interface for underwriters and other stakeholders

When evaluating E&S lines underwriting solutions to determine the best fit for their needs, carriers must first consider how each solution’s capabilities align with the organization’s strategy and goals. Performing a cost-benefit analysis is essential. In addition, consider a provider’s proposed implementation timeline and the resources it will bring to the project. Inquire about the company’s data privacy and security provisions to ensure you will remain compliant with regulations. And finally, review the provider’s change management and user adoption record, and discuss case studies of the provider’s successful implementations with carriers that have a similar profile.

Carriers that write E&S business know that their organizations depend on an optimized underwriting function. It’s imperative that they invest in technologies that can help automate the underwriting process, speed time-to-quote and speed and simplify the renewal process while enhancing customer and agent experience.

Learn More: Read the Innoveo Whitepaper


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Creating Custom Solutions with No-code: The 5 Key Factors for Enterprise Success Wed, 01 Mar 2023 14:09:16 +0000 No-code application development is increasingly becoming a must-have for enterprises looking to improve their efficiency, reduce costs, and stay ahead of the competition. With no-code platforms, organizations can empower non-technical users to create custom application solutions without the need for coding skills or IT support. This can help organizations to respond more quickly to changing […]

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Creating Custom Solutions with No-code: The 5 Key Factors for Enterprise Success

No-code application development is increasingly becoming a must-have for enterprises looking to improve their efficiency, reduce costs, and stay ahead of the competition. With no-code platforms, organizations can empower non-technical users to create custom application solutions without the need for coding skills or IT support. This can help organizations to respond more quickly to changing market conditions or customer needs, automate routine tasks, and tap into the expertise of their employees. Additionally, no-code platforms provide robust security, scalability, and integration capabilities, making them suitable for use in a variety of industries and business contexts. With the benefits of no-code application development, it’s clear that this technology is a must-have for enterprises looking to stay ahead in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

By following these 5 key factors, enterprise organizations can ensure that their no-code solutions are user-friendly, flexible, scalable, secure, and integrated, helping them to meet their business needs and improve their efficiency and productivity.

Lifecycle Management
The no-code application development platform provides customers with essential lifecycle management and DevOps capabilities for large software factories, without compromising productivity. With features that support deployment, operations, analytics, and management, the platform simplifies complex app deployment to production without the need for scripting or manual tasks, enabling continuous delivery and productive collaboration between business and IT.

Workflow Builder
Allows business experts, analysts, and process owners to build and publish internal productivity apps quickly, without writing code. By promoting collaboration within interdisciplinary teams, it improves line-of-business productivity, frees up valuable IT resources, and reduces the IT backlog of internal business application requests. With professionally-designed user experiences, and managing technical debt from the start, a workflow builder offers no limits as your apps grow.

Scalability and Performance
Scalability and performance are critical considerations for any enterprise application, and no-code platforms are no exception. No-code solutions should be able to handle large amounts of data and users, and should be able to scale as needed to meet changing requirements. Additionally, no-code platforms should provide fast and reliable performance, with minimal downtime or performance issues.

Security and Compliance
Security and compliance are also critical considerations for enterprise no-code application development. No-code platforms should provide robust security features, such as data encryption and user authentication, to protect sensitive data and intellectual property. Additionally, no-code platforms should be compliant with relevant regulations and standards, such as data privacy regulations and industry-specific standards.

Collaboration and Integration
Finally, collaboration and integration are key principles of no-code application development. No-code platforms should allow multiple users to work together on projects, and should provide easy-to-use tools for collaborating and sharing information. Additionally, no-code platforms should provide robust integration capabilities, allowing users to easily connect to other systems and tools, such as databases, CRM systems, and cloud-based platforms.

At Innoveo we believe you can build modern applications that deliver digital experiences and drive business growth without having to write any custom code. That’s why it’s our mission to empower enterprises in complex and regulated industries to re-imagine application development by enabling them to be connected, innovative, quick, and nimble. Innoveo’s cloud based, AI enabled no-code platform is currently in production globally at over 30 industry leaders across insurance, financial services, healthcare and real estate. With Innoveo, you’ll get the solutions and industry expertise you want, plus a little extra: a thoughtful, no-nonsense experience delivered with a refreshing dose of honesty. Learn More


The post Creating Custom Solutions with No-code: The 5 Key Factors for Enterprise Success appeared first on Innoveo.

IT Backlog? Empower Your Non-Technical Teams With No-Code Mon, 29 Aug 2022 19:51:48 +0000 Now more than ever before, it’s critical that enterprises embrace the democratization of innovation and empower their non-technical employees with the resources they need to overcome the widespread IT skill shortage sweeping the United States.  Spurred on by the COVID-19 pandemic, 87% of businesses are seeing a skill shortage or anticipate one in the immediate future. Match […]

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Empower With No-Code Innoveo Case Study

Now more than ever before, it’s critical that enterprises embrace the democratization of innovation and empower their non-technical employees with the resources they need to overcome the widespread IT skill shortage sweeping the United States.  Spurred on by the COVID-19 pandemic, 87% of businesses are seeing a skill shortage or anticipate one in the immediate future. Match that with the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ prediction that the engineer shortage in the US will exceed 1.2 million by 2026, and enterprise businesses have a giant problem on their hands.

Backlogs are growing for major application development, and many existing employees lack the resources or capabilities needed to overcome their current challenges. According to Gartner, on average, 41% of employees in an organization are business technologists — that is, employees who report outside of IT departments and create technology or analytics capabilities for internal or external business use. With these seemingly insurmountable obstacles ahead of them, businesses are turning to alternative solutions like no-code development platforms to empower these non-technical teams, drive democratization in the development process, and overcome challenges related to the IT shortage.

How Are Enterprises Trying to Solve Their IT Gaps?

In order to fill the gaps brought on by the IT shortage, companies are desperately searching for solutions. Aside from paying for interviews, increasing salaries, and adopting remote work, here are three ways companies are going about solving their IT development woes.

Reskilling or upskilling existing teams. While the effectiveness of this approach is up for debate, nearly half of businesses say they plan to reskill over 20% of their workforce in the coming years.

Adopting new business models. Some companies have turned to outsourcing development and IT work to try and bridge the gap, despite barriers like time differences, language, and cultural differences.

Trying new technologies. Finally, many companies are turning to emerging technology like low-code or no-code solutions — Gartner estimates that 75% of large enterprises will be using at least four low-code development tools for IT application development or citizen development initiatives by 2026.

Learn more about how companies are solving their IT skill shortages in our new white paper.

Empower Your Team With No-Code

No-code is becoming a critical resource for companies experiencing IT gaps. “Citizen developers” are increasingly becoming the strategic arm of companies, enabled to complete technical tasks with the aid of low or no-code tools. No-code isn’t restricted to simple tasks like apps or websites either—no-code options are available for enterprise software solutions as well.

Here are just a few of the ways no-code solutions are a great solution to solve the IT gap:

Anyone without coding experience can develop applications with no-code.

No-code is inclusive for even the most tech-averse employee and requires minimal training compared to reskilling.

No-code uses 10x fewer resources than traditional solutions.

Rather than rely on highly specialized IT resources, no-code saves money on the costs associated with hiring, retaining, and employing traditional IT teams. Indeed, Garter predicts that the low-code development market is worth $13.8 billion, and counting.

No-code drives rapid innovation.

Without the barriers of backlogs, competing priorities, and communication challenges, no-code unleashes the potential of teams to create, iterate, and bring software solutions to market all without IT or developer influence.

Improved employee experience.

Last but certainly not least, employees love the flexibility, ease of use, and impact of no-code platforms. And happy employees are more likely to stay rather than call it quits when the going gets tough.

With this many benefits, it’s easy to see why more and more no-code solutions are coming to market. If you’re serious about empowering employees to move beyond the IT skill shortage, no-code can help.

Read Our New White Paper to Learn More

In order to overcome the IT skill shortage, companies need to explore viable alternatives. To learn more about the no-code solutions Innoveo provides, download our new white paper, “How no-code enables enterprises to solve the IT skill shortage.”

No-code is ready-made to implement, and getting started is as quick as finding the right partner and signing a contract. Innoveo helps businesses accelerate growth, unlock innovation, and deliver excellent digital experiences to their customers. Contact us today to learn more.

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Why Agents Need Embedded Insurance Mon, 13 Sep 2021 19:13:59 +0000 Today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape and customer expectations are forcing the insurance industry to rethink its business models and processes to stay competitive in an ever-changing market. In our previous article in this series, we explained the concept of embedded insurance, and the huge business opportunity it holds for insurers, by creating new revenue streams and […]

The post Why Agents Need Embedded Insurance appeared first on Innoveo.

Today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape and customer expectations are forcing the insurance industry to rethink its business models and processes to stay competitive in an ever-changing market.

In our previous article in this series, we explained the concept of embedded insurance, and the huge business opportunity it holds for insurers, by creating new revenue streams and lower distribution costs at the same time. In the following, we will look at how embedded, as a new distribution channel can be a game-changer for insurance agents to help them sell more products with less effort.

why agents need embedded insurance

Increasing agent productivity and sales growth rate

Besides the potential for lower-cost distribution to a broader audience and reducing underwriting risks, the embedded insurance model can also contribute to increasing agent productivity.

Because of a tough race for insurance agents to reach their incentives, at the moment, most of their time is spent on hunting and prospecting new customers. According to a McKinsey survey from 2020, almost 30 percent of US insurance agents said their biggest challenge was lead generation, and 44 percent of them rated digital tools for agents and customers as the number one capability insurers can invest in to support them, and this rate probably only increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As embedded insurance solutions emerge and become available at the point of sale, they eliminate the necessity to hunt prospects. This will bring a shift in the future, where the majority of an agent’s time will be spent on advising and servicing, and only a small part remains direct prospecting. This shift could fundamentally change the role of an insurance agent from being notoriously reactive to proactively anticipate customer needs and provide personalized offers for end customers.

A trillion-dollar market opportunity for embedded insurance

McKinsey estimates that by 2025, sectors like B2B services, mobility, travel and hospitality, health, and housing will be reinventing themselves as new, digital ecosystems, adding up to a $60 trillion integrated network economy. Within these new ecosystems, the embedded insurance market could be worth $3 trillion in just a few years.

Despite this huge market opportunity, changing the operating model for insurance distribution will not happen from one day to another. Besides embracing new tools and assets across the value chain, it also requires a strong technical capability to build new, relevant products and implement new claims processes.

Digital ecosystems at the service of agents

digital ecosystems at the service of agents

“With the help of end-to-end digital platforms like Innoveo Skye®, agents can easily digitalize signatures, application and submission forms, and client onboarding processes to improve their teams’ productivity. Our wide range of functional capabilities and out-of-the-box API integrations have already been proven by our Tier 1 customers across the globe”, explains André Cohen, Director of Solutions Development at Innoveo.

By abstracting insurance functionality into technology, incumbents can rapidly embed their innovative products in new marketplaces at an extremely low cost, and ultimately, help their agents to service their customers better.

In this sense, embedded insurance is already transforming the traditional insurance distribution model, enabling insurers and their agents to cross-sell their products and be present in relevant places where potential risks arise.

The post Why Agents Need Embedded Insurance appeared first on Innoveo.

This Is Why The Future of Insurance Distribution Is Embedded Tue, 10 Aug 2021 19:18:48 +0000 Embedded insurance is emerging as a new, seamless way to distribute insurance services and to deliver greater value to the market for the benefit of all its stakeholders. For insurers, it holds a trillion-dollar opportunity with the potential to create new revenue streams and lower distribution costs, by focusing more on the mid-market. For end […]

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Embedded insurance is emerging as a new, seamless way to distribute insurance services and to deliver greater value to the market for the benefit of all its stakeholders. For insurers, it holds a trillion-dollar opportunity with the potential to create new revenue streams and lower distribution costs, by focusing more on the mid-market. For end customers – individuals, families, and firms – it is about getting more affordable and relevant insurance at the right time and place.

Thanks to the more modern, flexible ways of insurance distribution that almost feel like part of people’s everyday life, the time has passed over the age-old maxim which believed that “insurance is sold, not bought”. We arrived at a new era where insurers can target buyer segments they have never been in before.

What is embedded insurance?

To put it simply, the embedded insurance concept bundles coverage or protections within the purchase of a product or a service itself, offered in real-time or at the point of sale. For example, when your car rental company offers collision damage waivers on their website, or when you buy a new mobile phone and your selected package includes protection against theft, these are all examples of natively embedded insurance or “Insurance-as-a-Service” (IaaS).

With the words of Simon Torrance,

“Embedded Insurance means abstracting insurance functionality into technology to enable any third-party product or service provider or developer in any sector to seamlessly integrate innovative insurance solutions into their customer propositions and experiences, either as complementary add-ons to their core offerings or as new native components.”

Narrowing the protection gap with embedded insurance products

For many end customers, the idea of purchasing a one-off insurance policy to protect a new possession can feel like a burdensome, unnecessary effort. By contrast, insurance products that are natively embedded in other, non-insurance product purchases allow customers to protect themselves against uninsured losses with unprecedented low (or even no) involvement, giving them increased peace of mind.

This contrast contributes to a so-called protection gap between the amount of insurance that could have been purchased and the insurance that is actually bought, especially in the risk pools of natural catastrophe, mortality, and health care. According to the Swiss Re Institute’s research, this protection gap is worth $1.2 trillion, and it has more than doubled since 2000.

Insurance companies should proactively identify these protection gaps and seek to embed their products into broader ecosystems, where they can engage with digital-savvy and relevant consumers at their preferred time and place, making this a win-win situation for both the consumer and the insurer.

current point of sale challenges of insurers

Benefits for all stakeholders

Today, insurance companies have the ability to embed their products virtually anywhere there is a risk situation through open APIs that enable other software businesses to plug in. By integrating their products into platforms with large customer bases, insurers cannot only deliver personalized policies at the most convenient time for the customer, but they also gain access to fresh customer data to perform real-time risk assessments and calculate more accurate pricing.

As André CohenInnoveo‘s Solution Development Director explains,

“During one of our most recent embedded insurance projects at Innoveo, we delivered an insurance marketplace with an end-to-end policy admin system and an API architecture that enables our Tier 1 customer to easily plug into partner ecosystems and have their products distributed across 24 states in the USA. In a different, European project, we helped our Tier 1 customer to white-label and distribute their auto insurance product on car manufacturer affinity partner websites such as Tesla, Audi, or Volkswagen at the point of sale.”

Overall, the embedded insurance concept provides a competitive advantage and enables insurers to thrive in today’s B2B2C environment, while also lowering acquisition costs. The insurers that will win this advantage should be prepared to develop a deep understanding of both the manufacturer, the supply chain, and its customers. But whether insurers are innovating with in-house teams or working with insurtech startups like Innoveo, embedded insurance provides a myriad of ways insurers can work collaboratively to differentiate and expand their offerings into emerging digital ecosystems.

The post This Is Why The Future of Insurance Distribution Is Embedded appeared first on Innoveo.

JetBrains interview with Innoveo’s Laurent Kempé Fri, 30 Apr 2021 21:02:30 +0000 JetBrains is a cutting-edge software vendor specializing in the creation of intelligent development tools. By automating routine checks and corrections, they help developers work faster by automating common, repetitive tasks to enable them to stay focused on code design and the big picture. JetBrains provides tools to explore and familiarize with code bases faster, and their […]

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JetBrains is a cutting-edge software vendor specializing in the creation of intelligent development tools. By automating routine checks and corrections, they help developers work faster by automating common, repetitive tasks to enable them to stay focused on code design and the big picture. JetBrains provides tools to explore and familiarize with code bases faster, and their products make it easy to take care of quality during all stages of development and spend less time on maintenance tasks.

JetBrains Blog: How Innoveo builds a no-code solution with Rider

We were honored that they have published a case study and interview with Laurent Kempé, our Distinguished Solution Architect, discussing Innoveo’s no-code platform and our experience with Rider when building our digital solutions. In this JetBrains interview, Laurent talked about his professional background and Innoveo’s team structure, and he also shares valuable insights on our current technology stack and typical development flow, with special attention to Rider, a cross-platform that lets developers open, edit, build, run, and debug most kinds of .NET applications, including desktop apps, web apps, libraries, and services. It is a must-read for developers who are interested in the newest technologies and software product development in general.

You can read Laurent’s JetBrains interview here.

JetBrains interview with Laurent Kempé

JetBrainsTV: How Innoveo Skye Business Canvas is built

Besides this written case study, Laurent also had the chance to speak with Marco Behler on JetBrainsTV, where he explained how Innoveo Skye Business Canvas is built and how come that delivering applications with Innoveo Skye® is much faster and involves fewer resources compared to traditional development methods.

If you are curious about the details and want to know what are the exact insurance use cases for our no-code platform (besides financial services and real estate), listen to this video interview on JetBrains’ Youtube channel with our Laurent Kempé to find out!

The post JetBrains interview with Innoveo’s Laurent Kempé appeared first on Innoveo.

Launching a new product to your broker portal in just 5 weeks? Tue, 09 Feb 2021 19:26:07 +0000 Launching a new insurance product to a broker portal at record speed with Innoveo Skye® One of Innoveo’s clients, a Tier 1 Insurance Carrier, has recently launched a brand new product that covers customers for death or injuries during sports or other free-time activities, but also for theft while shopping at the mall or during […]

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Launching a new insurance product to a broker portal at record speed with Innoveo Skye®

One of Innoveo’s clients, a Tier 1 Insurance Carrier, has recently launched a brand new product that covers customers for death or injuries during sports or other free-time activities, but also for theft while shopping at the mall or during their commute to work.

The new product, along with the corresponding application, were put together and integrated into their existing Innoveo Skye® Broker Portal in merely 5 weeks by one of our Business Analysts, together with an expert from the client’s side.

As our Business Analyst explains, “working with a long-time client is always great, because we already know what their processes and preferences are like, and it is just easier to collaborate when you have history. This project was able to come to life in 5 weeks because the client was dedicated to making quick decisions and approvals as soon as we delivered.”

launching new insurance products at record speed no code

Advanced tools and integration capabilities

Due to the nature of this product, a simple and quick journey was a must-have, and Innoveo managed to create one that could be completed in no more than 5 steps. This included an integrated ID validation feature using a web service that helps to prevent fraud. Moreover, pricing is executed through Innoveo Skye®’s Excel integration, making all adjustments to the model seamless and imminent. The product is easily accessible as brokers of our client can fully quote and bind it to their customers, who will receive their policies immediately via email as a PDF.

Integrating the new product into an existing broker portal at record speed was a key element of this configuration. On top of that, our client also requested to set up the application in two different languages, which we successfully executed by capitalizing on Innoveo Skye®’s multi-language capability.

Overall, these were all achieved with every aspect finalized and delivered within the agreed time frame, enabling the product ready to be launched on the initially agreed go-live date.

If this story sparked your interest, you can learn more about our Insurance Solutions here.


The post Launching a new product to your broker portal in just 5 weeks? appeared first on Innoveo.
